The Complete Series

Lightning Hopkins

Electricity fills my body.

And that’s a good thing. Because I’m an electromagician – EM for short.

My skin tingles as the energy courses through me, down to my fingertips. Someone’s coming, though I don’t know who. Doesn’t matter. I know they want my power, and no one’s taking that without a fight.

As the electric charge inside me builds, my hair starts to lift. I hate when it does that, so I pull up my hoodie with one hand, seeing tiny arcs jump from one finger to the next. There’s a thumping sound in the hallway. Time’s up. I tense, ready to fight, concentrating on the door as the handle is jiggled by someone outside.

I’m so focused I don’t even hear the ones coming up behind. “There she is,” a deep voice says. “There’s Lightning Hopkins.” Before I can even turn around, the voice growls a command.

“Kill her.”

Part 1: Struck

Electricity fills my body.

And that’s a good thing. Because I’m an electromagician – EM for short.

My skin tingles as the energy courses through me, down to my fingertips. Someone’s coming, though I don’t know who. Doesn’t matter. I know they want my power, and no one’s taking that without a fight.

As the electric charge inside me builds, my hair starts to lift. I hate when it does that, so I pull up my hoodie with one hand, seeing tiny arcs jump from one finger to the next. There’s a thumping sound in the hallway. Time’s up. I tense, ready to fight, concentrating on the door as the handle is jiggled by someone outside.

I’m so focused I don’t even hear the ones coming up behind. “There she is,” a deep voice says. “There’s Lightning Hopkins.” Before I can even turn around, the voice growls a command. “Kill her.”

Part 2: Twice

“It should be easy,” my brother told us. “It’ll probably be fun.” That was before anyone died.

I don’t know why I listened. I never fit in anywhere in my life. Why should this be different? I was born with both wealth and a power called electromagic, though I wish I had none of it. I wish I could find self worth on my own, without everyone deciding how important I am. And I should have known that there would be consequences to what my friends and I did in New York City, exposing the secrets of the people in charge.

So they sent us to Paris, under the pretense of investigating an unusually high birth rate for new electromagicians. What we found instead was something that could threaten the entire structure of the world. But that’s not the worst of it. The worst thing is that I might actually want our world to change.

Part 3: Thunder

My parents are alive. So why have they avoided me for 20 years? And why am I different from other electromagicians?

I’ve searched off and on for years, but now I won’t stop until I get the answers I need. If that means I have to team up with the one man I despise most in the entire world, then so be it. I just hope I can find them before Torden figures out a way to take my powers and kill me.

No risk, no reward, right? Then why do I feel like I don’t want to hear what they have to say? Probably because it might drag me into the middle of a war I don’t understand.