My new book, For I Could Lift My Finger and Black Out the Sun – Part 1: DAWN, is now available for pre-order at Amazon for just 99 cents. What a huge relief and hugely exciting moment!
I began this book during the writing of The Oasis of Filth, then shelved it as I completed first that novel and then my short story collection, The Fingers of the Colossus. Why? Because novel writing is new to me, and I wanted to complete one then work on the craft a bit with short stories before jumping fully into this novel. This is the first time I’ve written a novel from start to finish before releasing it, and I wanted to make sure things worked.
I mean, I’ve been very fortunate to not only release the entire Oasis series (which forms one novel) and my book of short stories, but also to get a whole lot of great reviews (and some dogs, but that’s not surprising). Just take a look at my last nine reviews (over all books) posted to Amazon:

Those are incredible! Seven of the nine are five-star reviews, with the other two being four-stars. Wow.
Obviously I don’t want to put out the new book and suddenly ruin this streak. So I had a few people read it — not just Part 1: DAWN, but the entire novel, all five parts. And I got some feedback I didn’t expect.
See, my first book is a zombie book (well, you know, minus the whole undead nonsense). My second book, the collection, contains one zombie story. This was going to be my first completely zombie-free book. And no apocalypse in sight. So admittedly I was a little concerned.
I’m not going to be able to write in one small slice of the fiction or science fiction universe, but was anyone willing to follow me?
Thankfully, yes.
The best feedback I’ve heard so far, from multiple sources, is this:
“For I Could Lift My Finger and Black Out the Sun is better than The Oasis of Filth.”