The Misty Mountains

Some days the view from your desk is a little more picturesque than others. Today, I happen to be in Seattle, and happen to have this view from the 40th floor of the Westin. Soon, I’m headed over to a business conference, but for now, I’m hanging out with John Black.

It’s kinda fascinating to watch the barges and ferries carving their curved lines across the surface of the water outside my window, headed for who knows where. The snowcaps in the distance are the most obvious sign that I’m not at home — the only mountains in DC are made of paper.

Hidden from my view almost entirely is the Space Needle, a landmark most likely as grating and outdated to locals as it is a heartwarming reminder of home. It’s just out of view to the right in this photo (it was behind a building anyway). Down below, the monorail runs straight from where I sit to the Needle and surrounding attractions. Both opened in 1962, a time when, believe it or not, even I was not yet born.

Funny how some things endure while others fade.

If this was The Oasis of Filth, I’d be talking about how the city gradually crumbled as the placid mountains stood by and watched. In the John Black series, I’d be Sol, sitting in his penthouse stronghold, looking down on his domain.

But for me, the humble writer, it’s simply time for breakfast.
